First National Bank (FNB) expects South Africa's tourism industry to boom in the run-up to the 2010 Fifa World cup, as increasing numbers of existing and potential tourism business operators apply to the bank for finance.
In a statement released last week, FNB says that statistics gathered at the Tourism Indaba in Durban in early May showed a 300% increase in projected figures for potential business coming through the bank.
link: komentar: si ne morš predstavljat koliko novega kapitala bo to prineslo v južno afriko do leta 2010. Ker so bili izbrani za naslednje olimpiske igre. Zdaj vem zakaj je zelo malo tveganja in podcenjenost. Turisti = denar = posledično velik donos .. prav tako kot kitajska
Zapomni se me .. čez dve leti bo ves svet govoril o afriki kot nor, ampak trenutno je nobeden še ne pozna.